Saturday 26 May 2012

Tribal Tattoos

In recent years, tattoos have experienced a new assort. We specialize in the field of history and modern tattoos of all styles.

Since ancient times, tattoos were made on both sexes to decorate, enhance and change the skin we inherit at birth. Tattoos are sometimes an expression of personal freedom and personal choice. Most, however, connected with the traditions that define a person as a member or a member of the local group, they express an opinion or religious, magical or spiritual beliefs and personal. We all have an incurable need to join the group, the fundamental needs of the tribe, and why tattoos are rebirth. Tribal tattoos are attracting is simple: we love them, how they decorate our skin, they increase the feeling upbeat about themselves and somehow connects us something mysterious and ancient practices.

The practice of decorating the skin as widely and as old as man himself. Perhaps this was one of his first conscious actions associated with tools, which are separated from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is believed that the first initial feeling of cave men, when they found themselves without a lot of hair was taken blackened sharp stick, as the fire, and Jewelry (tattoo) his body, thus, the ability to hide or protect themselves, the animals did.

The appearance and / or revival of the ancient tribal art is not limited to the current generation of young men and women in Western countries. After service in the summer of illegal and invalid for a century or two, these ancient and traditional arts, and enjoyed a resurgence in the youth of all tribes.

Tattooing is a popular way to decorate the body, which marks as signs, symbols and letters attached to the body by piercing the skin on the outside and the introduction of color. Although traditional methods are outdated, the skin is pricked with a sharp instrument, usually these days, an electric needle. The past and other cultures, tattooing takes one or several needles attached to a stick and conduit within a thin skin incision, this procedure is the one who finished the tattoo in the first Polynesian sounds - the equivalent of the section: Tau Tau

At the origin of art has its roots in rock art, along with proof of actual tattooing has recently been found frozen and mummified bodies of ancient people, whose skin was covered with tattoos. The oldest tattooed body of our knowledge have been found in the Bronze Age man, who had been dead for over 5000 years. He was found intact in an Italian glacier. The researchers were surprised to see a closer view of the fact that he had both arms, legs and torso covered with tattoos are drawn to the mythical rock creatures.Engravings ice from 15,000 years, people show BC tattooed Egyptian mummies from 4200 BC include tattoos. Works of art, archeology, indeed, show that the tattoo began to emerge about 30,000 years. No one should ignore the fact, except for the mummies, all traces of the art on the human body disappears from the fire and ashes for their support.

Western culture is experiencing a rebirth and full acceptance of the practice of tribal tattooing. Research over the indigenous peoples and tribal art tattoos, lifestyle, images and more accessible to people with tattoos have led people interested in the western tribal tattoos. Biotechnologist drawings (eg, black tribal) associated with the tattooed man in the origin of human society is a culture where the past means something inherent tribal tattoos, and not just a symbol of our modern culture of the current.

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